Release notes

What’s new in GoLogin

GoLogin 3.3.52 Jupiter (27.07.2024)


  • Selection of saved proxies in the “Your proxy” tab on the New/Edit Browser Profiles pages.
  • Bulk import of proxies on the Proxies page.
  • Selection WebGL Vendor/Renderer on the New/Edit Browser Profiles pages and in the sidebar menu.


  • Opening the proxy manager when pasting proxies on the profiles table page.

GoLogin 3.3.51 Jupiter (17.07.2024)


  • Proxy profile filter via the “Connected profiles” column on the proxy page.
  • Cloudflare Captcha on the new account registration page.
  • Improved speed of GoLogin app launch.
  • Optimized and improved pagination and drag-and-drop profiles in the table.


  • PayPal payment for custom plans 15k/20k/30k/50k/100k.
  • Error message when the process of a running profile is lost.

GoLogin 3.3.50 Jupiter (10.07.2024)


  • Warning message when updating the app with open profiles, with the option to save the session.
  • New pricing plans: 15k/20k/30k/50k/100k.


  • Changed “OFF” to “REAL” for WebGL metadata in profile settings to show real WebGL parameters.
  • Font loading and display in the app.
  • Error when launching a profile with an expired user token.
  • Counter for selected profiles during multi drag-and-drop.
  • Importing profiles into the current folder.
  • Display of proxies in proxy manager for transferred profiles.
  • Registration via profile sharing link when profile name is not in Latin characters.

GoLogin 3.3.48 Jupiter (03.07.2024)


  • Upgrade of the current tariff plan.
  • New design of the profile menu in the profile table.


  • Proxy check on the profile table and proxy page.
  • Fixed white screen in FireFox browser.
  • Added message when attempting to pay for a tariff with fewer profiles via PayPal.
  • Checkboxes in the profile table in the Safari browser.

GoLogin 3.3.45 Jupiter (27.06.2024)


  • New table for working with proxies.
  • Drag-and-drop multiple profiles.


  • Minor fixes for pricing page.
  • Profile launch error.
  • Orbit download error due to insufficient device storage.
  • Minor fixes for dark theme app.
  • Minor fixes for proxy manager on the profiles table.
  • Fixed the display of the IP address after clicking on the “change IP URL” in the profiles table and the proxies table.

GoLogin 3.3.44 Jupiter (13.06.2024)


  • Optimized and improved profiles table performance for the new design.


  • Flag icon in the proxy manager in the side settings.
  • After applying a promo code, the tariff price should immediately reflect the discount in the pricing.
  • Error when launching a profile after deleting a proxy that was used by this profile.

GoLogin 3.3.42 Jupiter (29.05.2024)


  • Improved drag-n-drop profiles in the table.
  • Drag-n-drop profile to any folder.
  • Optimized plan payment from the app.


  • Resets View button on running profile in web version of app.
  • Long deletion time for a folder on the Folders page.
  • Incorrect display of remaining proxy traffic.

GoLogin 3.3.40 Jupiter (09.05.2024)


  • New fingerprints for OS Windows 11, macOS M1/M2/M3 profiles.


  • Transitioning from the app to pricing with 2FA enabled should not require the 2FA password.
  • Redirect from pricing to the app after payment should proceed without logging out.
  • Profiles in the shared folder should be visible to the user.
  • Creating a profile via “Add a quick profile” with an incorrect browser version upon release of a new Orbita browser.
  • Cookie import on the New Browser Profile page.

GoLogin 3.3.39 Jupiter (30.04.2024)


  • Profiles in the table can be moved for new users.
  • Improved speed new account registration.
  • Limits on the number of proxies: 100 for Trial, 50 for Free plan.


  • Enabling the session lock parameter.
  • Resetting WebGL Metadata parameters after updating the fingerprint for the profile.
  • Error when adding custom HTTPS proxies.

GoLogin 3.3.38 Jupiter (17.04.2024)


  • Withdrawal of funds in USDT in the referral program.


  • Notification texts when sharing profiles and inviting to the workspace.
  • Import of profiles with proxies containing “;” symbol.
  • Minor optimisation fixes for Cloud Run.

GoLogin 3.3.37 Jupiter (10.04.2024)


  • Cloud launch blocked on Trial and Free tariffs.


  • Error when adding proxies in bulk to profiles.
  • Selection of free/Tor proxies through the Edit Browser Profiles page.

GoLogin 3.3.36 Jupiter (04.04.2024)


  • Status column in the profiles table.
  • Short link for sharing and runing profiles.


  • Profile duplication in the table.
  • Infinite spinner in the table after deleting profiles.
  • Addition of the shared profile to the table after following the link when the app is not launched.
  • Redirect to the default workspace after following the sharing link.
  • Scrolling to the shared profile when following the link.

GoLogin 3.3.33 Jupiter (14.03.2024)


  • Disabled password request when enabling 2FA for users with Google accounts.
  • Improved performance of name and proxy columns in the profiles table.
  • Improved performance of profile run.
  • Improved performance of profile creation via “Add a quick profile” in the profile table.
  • Pagination for “restore profiles” page
  • Pausing and deleting of profile sharing links in the share modal.


  • Duplication of the root folder name in the bookmark manager.
  • Reopening of the pricing popup.
  • Deletion of fonts inside profiles after profile table refresh
  • Some errors in 2FA disabling.

GoLogin 3.3.32 Jupiter (06.03.2024)


  • Link in the context menu of the profile, to launch the profile through a browser.
  • Link in the modal window of sharing, for profile sharing via browser
  • Improved speed of the initial opening of profile side settings.


  • Searching for a profile with a 12-character name.

GoLogin 3.3.31 Jupiter (29.02.2024)


  • Recovery bin for deleted profiles.
  • Profile launch via link.
    • gologin://name_profile (gologin://open/name_profile)
    • gologin://id_profile (gologin://open/id_profile)
  • Improved performance at Profile launch
  • Sorting extensions in the manager.


  • Message on profile launch if Orbita is not set.

GoLogin 3.3.28 Jupiter (14.02.2024)


  • Improved speed of side settings when working with profiles.
  • Improved performance of proxy-manager.


  • Duplicate “screen resolution” parameter when creating multiple profiles.
  • Icon design in “small icons” mode for windows.

GoLogin 3.3.27 Jupiter (07.02.2024)


  • New design for the “Delete Workspace” modal window.
  • Improved work speed of Profile table.


  • “Internal server error” issue when creating a new profile.
  • Profile name design on the Orbita browser icon.
  • Saved search history per workspace and user account.

GoLogin 3.3.25 Jupiter (31.01.2024)


  • 1000+ new GoLogin proxy servers with a large selection of countries and stable performance.
  • Shared accounts now visible in Settings & Members table for workspace users.


  • Redirect from Sign In to Sign Up page when logging in.
  • Error unpacking Orbita browser if macOS username has spaces.
  • URL validation for changing IP on mobile proxies.
  • Redirect to app on Google account authorization.
  • Profile limit check when upgrading plan in another workspace.
  • Opening the payment modal with the RU card tab.

GoLogin 3.3.24 Jupiter (2024/01/24)


  • New design for profile search with search history.
  • Media device masking is now enabled by default for new profiles.


  • Animation for activating the “Add this extension to all new profiles” checkbox in the bulk extension editing modal.
  • The profile sharing limit should be based on the number of shares, not the number of profiles being shared.

GoLogin 3.3.23 Jupiter (2024/01/17)


  • New WebRTC operation mode: “Off” and “Based on public IP.”
  • Horizontal scrolling of folders on the profile table page using the mouse wheel.
  • Blocking of system extensions forcibly installed into the Orbita browser.


  • Extensions should not disappear after returning to the profile settings.
  • When there are two or more cities with the same name, the country should be displayed based on the proxy geolocation.
  • After payment and redirection to the app, there should be no logout if you log out on the website.

GoLogin 3.3.22 Jupiter (2024/01/10)


  • Tooltip “Add a profile and edit settings” on hovering over the “Add profile” button


  • Error loading the LinkedIn site after parsing cookies in Netscape format
  • Pricing adaptation to changes in the application window size
  • Adaptation of the mass profile settings menu to changes in the application window size
  • Error selecting a free tariff for non-WS accounts
  • Now, after pressing “Enter” and clicking into the profile table, the search does not occur again
  • Error searching for a profile if the name was renamed on the Edit Browser Profiles page

Gologin 3.3.19 Jupiter (2023/12/14)


  • New Design for pricing
  • New pricing popup displayed after first profile launch on a new account
  • New App Icon Design for macOS
  • Switch between new and old application interface designs
  • Redirect to App after payment on website
  • By default, “maskMediaDevices” parameter is off in new profiles
  • “View” button to see the active profile’s Orbit Browser
  • In the “By proxy” popup, an error should be displayed if there is no internet connection


  • Now, “Add Proxies With IP” change links in the bulk proxy editor
  • White screen no longer appears when trying to save profile settings on the “Edit Browser Profiles” page
  • Localization for the “Create Multiple Profile” popup

GoLogin 3.3.17 Jupiter (2023/12/07)


  • Create multiple profile


  • When the limit of requests is reached, you should not be redirected to the quiz or page of creating a new workspace
  • Error creating profile via “Add profile” page with empty field name in default profile settings

GoLogin 3.3.16 Jupiter (2023/11/29)


  • Added new spintax “email” for mass editing and in default profile name settings


  • The day counter on the trial platform should update immediately after the promo code is activated
  • After exporting the profile and importing it, proxies should be imported correctly
  • Fixed white screen when deleting a profile through the context menu of the profile table and side settings
  • The profiles per folder counter on the Folders page should display the correct values for accounts not in the new design workspace.

GoLogin 3.3.15 Jupiter (2023/11/23)


  • Create profiles using drop files with Facebook accounts


  • The folder that has been created will be immediately visible in the ‘Invite team members’ modal window
  • Profiles are now sorted by name in descending order when creating profiles by dropping cookie files
  • Fixed the bug where folders weren’t creating properly in the workspace invite window – now they’re created error-free

GoLogin 3.3.14 Jupiter (2023/11/15)


  • Removing a folder from side settings after deleting a folder from your account
  • The order of creation of profiles when dropping files into the profile table
  • Removing access to someone else’s account after the owner has removed access to his account
  • Removing the trial block on the profile table page after switching to the Free tariff

GoLogin 3.3.13 Jupiter (2023/11/08)


  • Setting naming rules for new profiles in the default application settings


  • Importing cookies that the browser could not read
  • White screen when opening the side settings of a shared profile
  • Updating the counter for the number of profiles in the account’s burger menu after deleting all profiles at once
  • “Only text files supported” error notification when dropping a file of an unsupported format
  • Visibility of Folders that were shared with you
  • Error “Folder does not exist” when moving folders if the folder was shared

GoLogin 3.3.11 Jupiter (2023/10/25)


  • The ability to create new profiles with proxy drops from files containing these proxies in the new design
  • Automatic updating of the profile count in the burger menu on the new design whenever a profile is added or removed from the table
  • A warning message when logging out with running profiles
  • Support for pasting TCP and UDP format proxies from the clipboard into the proxy manager


  • Disappearance of the trial banner immediately after PayPal payment and profile page update in the app
  • Text message when attempting to pay for a plan exceeding the profile limit through PayPal
  • Profile transfer from the “All Profiles” folder to one’s own workspace folder
  • Appearance of the profile import modal from Dolphin
  • Synchronization of the status of running profiles through the cloud between different accounts and devices

GoLogin 3.3.10 Jupiter (2023/10/18)


  • Ability to create profiles by dropping cookies on the Profiles page
  • Bulk profiles renaming
  • “Default workspace” parameter in the account settings on the “Overview” page
  • Replacement of folder sharing with invite to folder for new users on the folders page


  • Trial banner disappears immediately after card payment and transition to the profiles page on the website and app
  • Proxy check and “change IP URL” on shared profiles and invited workspaces
  • Backward compatibility of old and WS accounts when using “switch account”
  • Transfer to a folder in your workspace
  • White screen on the “Billing Plans” page after PayPal payment
  • Localization edits

GoLogin 3.3.9 Jupiter (2023/10/03)


  • New promocode types:
    • increase duration of paid period
    • discount on the first payment
  • During profile import from Dolphin – cookies are also imported


  • Authorization on websites between sessions
  • Cookie updates when importing into a profile that already contains cookies
    • Cookie deletion has also been fixed
  • Proxy error message when starting profiles
  • Profile import from ADS app via CSV file
  • Word declension localization based on numbers

GoLogin 3.3.8 Jupiter (2023/09/27)


  • Acceleration of profile stop and start
  • Application launch acceleration


  • Selected columns do not reset after page reload
  • Profile stop bugs

GoLogin 3.3.5 Jupiter (2023/09/07)


  • Workspace creation by Enter key
  • “Settings and Members” menu opens members setting page
  • Workspace creation additional info in case of trial/free plan


  • Unexpected redirect to Pricing page
  • Other minor issue

GoLogin 3.3.4 Jupiter (2023/09/06)


  • Workspace feature for new users
  • System theme – sync the application theme with the system


  • Proxy removal error
  • Dark theme design

GoLogin 3.2.34 Jupiter (2023/08/09)


  • Extension manager in the side settings on the new design.
  • Bookmarks manager in the side settings on the new design.
  • Transfer of profiles from Dolphin to GoLogin.


  • Referral program is improved for users registered in the app.

GoLogin 3.2.33 Jupiter (2023/08/02)


  • Pasting text from the clipboard into the name field in the profile table
  • Main background on the new design
  • Background on the authorization and registration pages
  • Margins on Personal Area pages
  • Displaying “Back to all profiles” buttons in the header on the New/Edit Browser Profiles and Personal Area pages
  • Redirecting to the registration form when entering incorrect login/password on the authorization form
  • Displaying errors in the APP
  • Error “invalid input data. Check field “navigator”

GoLogin 3.2.32 Jupiter (2023/07/26)


  • IndexDB parameter disabled for new accounts
  • Limit of 500 profile launches on Trial tariffs
  • Validation of entered Host and Port for proxies
  • New options to the “CPU Threads” setting
  • Increased the clickable area for the side settings in the Name column
  • “Based on IP” setting for the Languages parameter enabled for new accounts
  • “Based on IP” setting for the Languages parameter in default profile settings
  • Google Pay and Apple Pay


  • Issues with non-functional fonts
  • Synchronization of the Screen Resolution parameter with default settings for profiles created through Quick profile
  • Tags design in the bulk profile settings menu
  • Optimization of the display of parameters in the side settings when switching profiles
  • Empty notification in the status of a profile launched through the cloud from the APP

GoLogin 3.2.31 Jupiter (2023/07/19)


  • Improved performance and increased speed with the profile table
  • Hiding proxy icons in the Proxy parameter in the side settings (new design)


  • Saving an empty “Start URL” field in the profile settings
  • Design of the profile table (new design)
  • Displaying the tag editing window on the tag sorting page (old design)
  • Sorting time zones in the timezone settings
  • Synchronization of profile settings in the side settings when switching between profiles
  • Changing the geolocation on profiles with Free/Tor proxies in the side settings
  • Synchronization when stopping the profile before logging out of the account

GoLogin 3.2.30 Jupiter (2023/07/12)


  • Checking and downloading APP updates when navigating to the Browser – Profiles page
  • Launching a profile with a proxy through the local API
  • Localization on the Billing page
  • “Active session lock” setting for profile launch through automation and local API
  • Profile archiving
  • Orbita downloading and unpacking
  • Synchronization of the “2captcha” extension upon profile relaunch

GoLogin 3.2.29 Jupiter (2023/06/28)


  • Added support for HTTPS proxies
  • Added new functionality for bookmarks:
    • Ability to create folders within subfolders
    • Automatic text wrapping in links, ignoring JavaScript code
    • Synchronization of bookmark manager with bookmarks on old profiles until the next launch (bookmark manager lock and warning message in the “Bookmarks” section on the Edit Browser Profile page)
  • Added character highlighting when searching in Geolocation and Timezone parameters (for the new design)


  • Fixed synchronization of custom extensions between different devices
  • Fixed random reordering of folder locations on Profiles and Folders pages
  • Fixed error when sharing a profile with “owner” permissions on paid accounts
  • Cosmetic fixes for the new side settings (for the new design)
  • Fixed opening of the proxy manager in the side settings
  • Fixed sorting by tags

GoLogin 3.2.28 Jupiter (2023/06/21)


  • In the side settings of the language manager, functionality for automatic language detection based on IP (old design) has been added.
  • In the side settings, there is now an option to configure geolocation by cities (new design).


  • Corrected the translation of proxy error messages when launching a profile.
  • Fixed the font for text on macOS.
  • Fixed the display of the tooltip for the proxy checkmark in the side settings.
  • Fixed proxy deletion from the proxy manager in the side settings.
  • Fixed an error when launching a profile between PC and Android.

GoLogin 3.2.27 Jupiter (2023/06/15)


  • The functionality of the ‘Based on IP’ setting in the language manager in the sidebar settings.
  • The prompt for profile setup for new users has been temporarily disabled.

GoLogin 3.2.25 Jupiter (2023/06/14)


  • New design for Side settings
  • Auto language selection by proxy location


  • “Update application” button
  • Extensions sync between computers

GoLogin 3.2.24 Jupiter (2023/06/07)


  • The “Update orbita” and “Update app” buttons will now only be displayed on the Browser Profiles page (old design).


  • Fixed folder movement on the Folders page.
  • Fixed the issue where the “Update app” button would disappear on the Browser Profiles page. Now the button will only disappear after it has been clicked (new design).
  • Fixed the problem of page refresh when clicking on “Profiles” on the Browser Profiles page (old design).
  • Resolved the issue of the header disappearing during folder creation and profile table update (new design).
  • Fixed archive decompress issue during profile start

GoLogin 3.2.23 Jupiter (2023/05/31)


  • New design of “Folders” page
  • Counter of profiles inside a folder
  • Profile decompression reworked (decreased profile start time)


  • Authorisation, window settings now are saved after app update
  • “Update app” button now doesn’t disappear after some time (only in old design)

GoLogin 3.2.22 Jupiter (2023/05/24)


  • Profile start error now visible without hover on new design (to close error need to hover over it)
  • New column “Orbita version” is available in the profile table


  • Edit tags window is no longer overlapped by tags manager window
  • The same cookie file now could be imported into multiple profile 1 by 1 without obstacles
  • Default bookmarks in profile settings is now loaded as soon as settings page is loaded

GoLogin 3.2.21 Jupiter (2023/05/19)


  • Fixed bug when bookmarks of old profiles where overwritten by default bookmarks (profiles that already lost their bookmarks could be restored through profile history by choosing old version of the profile)

GoLogin 3.2.20 Jupiter (2023/05/18)


  • A bookmark manager, allowing you to
    1. Set up bookmarks that will automatically be added to all new profiles
    2. Add or change bookmarks in multiple profiles simultaneously
    3. Add bookmarks when creating a new profile
  • Profile blocking during Orbita download if the UA of those profiles matches the Orbita version being downloaded at that time
  • A new design for the payment modal window


  • Column sorting: now if you disable a sorted column, the sorting for that column is reset to the default setting
  • Translation text offset and spacing between View and Stop buttons. Also fixed the Details button (it was overlapping the View button)
  • A bug that prevented editing cookies in the text editor window when editing cookies of an existing profile
  • A bug that prevented importing the same cookie file into multiple profiles sequentially (cookies did not appear when importing the file through the folder browser)
  • A bug with an unclickable Drag/Drop button in the cookie import modal when creating a profile
  • Display of modal windows without translations on Windows 7

GoLogin 3.2.18 Jupiter (2023/05/03)


  • Improved flow of choosing Orbita version for Win 7-8.1 in profile settings


  • Multiple profiles launch
  • Cookies import
  • Beta proxies creation/changing (previous proxy country saving, proxy display from previous profile)
  • Emoji in multiple OS
  • End of the trial/paid plan on the payment modal
  • Spinner on Billing plans page
  • Profile launching status in case of page refreshing
  • Minor bugs in profile launch
  • Minor bugs in app launch

GoLogin 3.2.16 Jupiter (2023/04/05)


  • Info tooltip to Run button in multiple operations tab during Orbita updating
  • Default 109 Orbita for win 8.1 and older


  • Proxy checking during profile starting
  • Adding profiles to a folder
  • Minor profiles table bugs
  • Multiple profiles launch during Orbita updating

GoLogin 3.2.15 Jupiter (2023/03/29)


  • Orbita version in default settings
  • Transition to proxy tab when click on Buy proxy
  • Default download of Orbita 109 for windows 8


  • Minor fixes in profile table
  • Minimize window bug on macOS

GoLogin 3.2.14 Jupiter (2023/03/22)


  • Exit from 2FA page in Sign in / Log in
  • Spinner to Google auth button


  • Google auth redirect in Mac OS
  • Ip tooltip in proxy Manager
  • Open app with icon if app is minimized to tray
  • Registration in Safari
  • App Update Button
  • Minor fixes in profile table
  • Translations
  • Orbita launch on mac M2

GoLogin 3.2.13 Jupiter (2023/03/16)


  • New Profiles table
  • Orbita download manager low disk space warning
  • Error for 110+ Orbita support on Win 8- versions
  • Default template options (dns, storage)


  • Default template (white screen and other bugs in some cases)
  • Profile cloning in folder
  • M1 profile creation (autodetect for mac ARM)
  • Translation for first profile
  • Notes editing

GoLogin 3.2.12 Jupiter (2023/03/08)


  • Google authorization
  • Improved browser download manager (lost connection/leak of memory handler)
  • Disabled Run button in multiple operations in case of Orbita downloading
  • Statuses for profile closing process
  • Improved profile sync error handler
  • Translations (close app modal, proxy checker results, others)


  • Proxy payment
  • Shared folder display
  • Profile launching statuses
  • Cloud launches count on pricing page
  • Orbita launching errors in particular cases

GoLogin 3.2.10 Jupiter (2023/02/21)


  • New datacenter proxies
  • Proxy pasting in the multiple


  • Duplicate profiles in folders
  • Profiles list in case of folder changing
  • Proxy removing in the Proxy manager
  • Proxies display after removing
  • 2fa site login
  • Warning message in case of closing the application with open profiles

GoLogin 3.2.8 Jupiter (2023/02/01)


  • Return to the profile in the Profile table after editing
  • “Details” title in the Profile table to open Quick settings


  • Proxy manager
  • Cookies import on Mac Os
  • Error in case of sharing of non-existent profile
  • Searching

GoLogin 3.2.2 Jupiter (2022/12/15)


  • Profile creation template
  • Orbita version selector in New profile page (Advanced tab)
  • Screen resolution in quick settings


  • Endless profile loading

GoLogin 3.1.1 Jupiter (2022/11/03)


  • New app core
  • Extensions list pagination (increased loading speed)


  • Infinite sync
  • Proxy checker
  • Custom extensions in shared profiles
  • Quiz page content edits

GoLogin 2.2.9 Mars (2022/09/09)


  • Custom extensions uploading
  • Extensions mass adding


  • “Add to all profiles” flag (now works with new profiles)

GoLogin 2.2.8 Mars (2022/08/25)


  • Improved Proxy manger
  • Columns dragging
  • Cookies export
  • Mobile proxies ips changing


  • Cookies import
  • Stop profile button (incorrect Orbita closing on windows systems)
  • Profile launch with spec characters in profile name

GoLogin 2.2.2 Mars (2022/05/24)


  • 2fa cancellation


  • Cookies import
  • 2fa request code after app launch
  • Card/Paypal subscription removing on Billing page

GoLogin 2.1.9 Venus (2022/04/18


  • 2FA authentication
  • Password changing form


  • Chrome extensions
  • Folder renaming
  • Webgl parameters display
  • Proxy type changing (default port value)
  • Geolocation info display
  • Max touch points for android profiles
  • M1 profile in profile summary display
  • WebRtc in profile summary display
  • Payment history table display
  • Profile languages (create profile with no language)

GoLogin 2.1.8 Venus (2022/02/24)


  • Clients Rects description
  • Multiple proxy pasting


  • UI bugs
  • Free proxies location list
  • Empty UA saving
  • Update button in quick settings
  • Geolocation prompt
  • Profile running after deleting

GoLogin 2.1.7 Venus (2022/01/31)


  • Proxy copying to the buffer
  • Increased number of profile launches
  • Human typing emulation


  • UI bugs
  • Dropped proxy form in case of OS changing
  • Cookies import
  • Inviting yourself as member

GoLogin 2.1.6 Venus (2021/12/29)


  • Tooltip for profiles’ long names
  • Default resolution (1280×1024) for web profiles
  • Default proxy port (80) when resetting proxy fields
  • Current profile name when saving with empty name field


  • Cookies import
  • Profile Summary updating in case of options changing
  • Profiles adding with space instead of name
  • Font size in proxy column
  • Email icon display in personal area

GoLogin 2.1.3 Venus (2021/12/14)


  • “New” icon for profiles that have not been launched


  • Cookies import
  • Minor design edits
  • Account limit error message

GoLogin 2.1.2 Venus (2021/12/09)


  • Profiles import
  • Proxy checker in profiles table
  • Folders autoscroll
  • Tray icon
  • Auto reconnection in case of poor internet connection


  • Folder sharing to yourself
  • Profiles loading in win7
  • Disappearing scroll in quick settings
  • Design forms bugs

GoLogin 2.1.1 Venus (2021/12/02)


  • 95 Orbita support
  • Update profile button in case of new Orbita release
  • Pinned profiles
  • QR to android app
  • Emoji support on win 7
  • Proxy Type column sorting in Proxy Manager
  • Quick settings closing in case of clicking on the profile again


  • Token page design
  • Shared folders sorting
  • Folder name input field
  • Multi spaces in folder name
  • UI freezes on Mac

GoLogin 2.0.7 Mercury (2021/11/08)


  • New Sign In/Sign Up page design
  • New Api Tokens page design
  • New modal windows design
  • Profiles export
  • Profile launches history
  • Multiple start urls support (comma as divider)
  • Sharing field auto cleaning


  • Removing a profile via fast settings
  • Registration with empty password
  • Folders page title
  • Free plan selector
  • Https proxy autocomplete
  • Proxy manager search
  • “Edit” app context menu items
  • Adding/removing a profile to/from folder via multiple operations tab

GoLogin 2.0.5 Mercury (2021/09/29)


  • Abbreviated affiliate links
  • Notification about recommended OS on current machine
  • Loader on New Profile page
  • M1 autodetect on New Profile page


  • Inactive Create Profile/Save button in case of error
  • Incorrect redirect to the payment page from the app
  • Column width on the payments history page
  • Fonts on Windows 7
  • Search in the proxy manager
  • Adding profiles to a folder
  • Selected columns on the profiles table page
  • Profiles filter by status
  • Chaotic appearance of the tariff selection screen during the trial period
  • Window opening with ctrl/command/mouse wheel

GoLogin 2.0.4 Mercury (2021/09/08)


  • Reduced amount of requests to the server (it depended on amount of running profiles)
  • Proxy column in profiles page


  • Remaining days of subscription
  • Jerking on the Personal Area page

GoLogin 2.0.3 Mercury (2021/08/31)


  • Pagination (now profiles list is downloaded by portions which allows to increase app performance)
  • Increased profiles download speed
  • Closing the Orbita when deleting a profile
  • Sorting by OS
  • Descend sorting in proxy manager


  • Remaining plan days on the pricing page
  • Payment plans selector
  • Cookies urls in quick settings (“” cookies are shown with full domain)
  • Proxy pasting (remove tabs and spaces)
  • Searchig in proxy manager
  • Run button (become blocked after clicking)

GoLogin 2.0.1 Mercury (2021/08/18)


  • Improved fonts manager
  • Minimizing app to tray
  • Sign In/Up buttons blocking after clicking (to make it clear the request is being processed)
  • Email filed clearing in case of success profile sharing
  • Gologin Vault (password manager) switch button
  • Improved Cookies parser (2 new formats support)
  • Auto login to button on Trial plate
  • Redirecting after choosing a free plan
  • Menu on pricing page with exit and account settings options


  • Folders switching (in some cases profiles from other folder were shown)
  • Folders sorting bug
  • Languages sorting bug
  • Running profiles warning when closing the application
  • Mac Orbita launch errors
  • Profile name editing bug (quick settings panel did not close after approvement)
  • Auto login (did not work in some cases)
  • Profile loading error
  • Defective profile error

GoLogin 1.7.5 (2021/07/29)


  • First session guide
  • Updated Gologin Vault
  • Warning window if you close app with running profile(s)


  • Unclosed folders modal

GoLogin 1.7.2 (2021/06/14)


  • Improved app core (better performance)
  • Better regions content availability including China and whole Asia region


  • Folders removing
  • Folders naming (empty name is not allowed)

GoLogin 1.6.3 (2021/04/27)


  • Affiliate program (beta)
  • Active sessions manager
  • Proxies username and password special characters (@, *, etc.) support


  • Login (stuck after button clicking)

GoLogin 1.6.1 (2021/03/26)


  • Android fingerprints support (with Orbita 3.0.15 & higher)


  • Profile list updating when search input is cleared
  • Media devices masking

GoLogin 1.5.12 (2021/03/10)


  • IPv6 proxy support
  • Improved browser download manager
  • Increased application speed


  • Browser interface language

GoLogin 1.5.11 (2021/02/19)


  • Non-working redirect after new profile creation
  • Proxy checker socks fix
  • Profile loading error
  • Cookies netscape import
  • Mac browser GPU error

GoLogin 1.5.9 (2021/01/27)


  • Background browser downloading
  • Proxy search form in proxy manager


  • Profile loading error on windows
  • Profile loading error message in case of invalid proxy
  • Proxy checker error message in case of invalid proxy

GoLogin 1.5.8 (2021/01/21)


  • Orbita download progress steps
  • Rollback to previous profile version


  • Profile manager after profile deleting

GoLogin 1.5.4 (2020/12/23)


  • Improved Security
  • Improved Cookies import
  • Cookies Import in Create profile page


  • Session saving

GoLogin 1.4.7 (2020/12/03)


  • New columns in the profiles table
  • Folder manager in profile expanded area
  • GoLess
    • Multiple tabs
    • Clipboard
    • Chrome extensions
    • Files uploading/downloading


  • Proxy insert
  • Mobile view

GoLogin 1.4.1 (2020/11/17)


  • Android fingerprints
  • Improved proxy checker
  • Improved proxy insert
  • Billing page


  • Profile name on “New profile page”
  • Small bugs

GoLogin 1.3.1 (2020/10/06)


  • Last selected folder saving
  • Leaving option for shared profiles
  • Profiles manager tab is closed by “Esc”
  • Columns selector in profiles table


  • List of users in Add Members modal
  • Folders names editing
  • List of cookies in Cookies List modal
  • Folder sharing after its creation
  • List of WebGL Parameters