Top proxy provider with fresh, high quality IP-addresses of all types. Get 3GB for free!
SX.ORG Proxies
All proxies in one place from partners with guaranteed high quality, as well as our own pool of more than 12M clean IP-addresses.
Flexible customization, allowing you to take a proxy for any task. Coverage of more than 200 GEOs, all types of rotation, unlimited concurrent sessions, and targeting down to ASN.
SX.ORG – combines perfectly with softs and anti-detect browsers. Use proxies for parsing, blocking bypass and anonymous surfing. Stable connection to manage multiple accounts without unnecessary switching is ideal for multi-accounting, and multi-threading and 99.78% connection success for automation.
- All types of proxies: Mobile, Residential, Corporate
- Pay only for the traffic you use with “pay as you go” system
- NO limit on port creation
- 24/7 support
💰 Price
From $0.6/GB
🌎 Locations
200+ geos worldwide
🖥️ Proxy Types
Mobile, Corporate, Residential proxies
⭐ Trustpilot score
SX.ORG is a new rising provider and does not have a Trustpilot score yet.
#️ Size of IP pool
More than 12M clean IP addresses
🏷️ Notable Features
- Buy or sell clean IP-addresses,
- Pay as you go system
- SOCKS5/HTTP support
- Free ASN set up
- Unlimited threads
💳 Promocode
GOLOGIN3GB – get 3Gb for free!
😎 Best For
Affiliate marketing, Multiple accounts on social media, Antidetect browser
💻 Browser extension/API
Price | from $0,6 per GB |
Locations | 200+ countries |
Proxy Types | residential, corporate and mobile proxies |
Trustpilot score | n/a |
Size of IP pool | 12 million |
Promocode | GOLOGIN3GB – 3Gb for free |
Best For | Affiliate marketing, Multi-accounting |
Browser extension/API | API |
Frequently Asked Questions
Mobile, Residential, Corporate
200+ countries.
SX.ORG offers username/password and Whitelist IP authentication.
Yes. SX.ORG policy imposes certain restrictions on the use of our proxies, including:
1. All e-mail protocols are unsupported and prohibited. These include protocols such as: – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) – Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) – Mail Protocol version 3 (POP3)
2. Restricted access to government sites and banks.
3. Restricted access to the following ports: – 22 – 23 – 25 – 445 – 465 – 587 – 3389 – 8291 These restrictions are part of our policy to maintain network security, in particular to prevent misuse of our services to commit malicious or fraudulent activities
SX provides 24/7 support.
SX.ORG is a great option for GoLogin, as it provides high trust proxies – perfect for multi accounting routines.
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