Frequently Asked Questions

How to recover accidentally deleted profile?

Unfortunately, the profile cannot be restored if you delete it. Immediately after deleting the profile, we delete all information from our server.

Can I emulate as a mobile user?

Yes, you can choose Android as your operating system.

Can I buy a proxy from you?

We do not sell or provide proxies. We are only involved in software development.

Can I use browser profiles on different devices?

Yes, in GoLogin there is such an opportunity. However, remember that if you use the same profile from different computers, then the canvas will be different. Websites may find this suspicious. This can be avoided by launching GoLogin from virtual assistants or the same computers.

Can I import and export cookies into GoLogin profiles?

Yes, we have a function to import cookies, which allows you to do this comfortably and without any problems. You can

Can sites see my Mac address?

No, sites cannot see your Mac address through our browser. Theoretically, Google can track this information covertly. However, no one has ever confirmed this information

Can I use my GoLogin account on multiple devices at the same time?

Yes, you have the opportunity. But we recommend that you do not use one profile at a time. Because of this, you can corrupt profile session data. You can check if the profile is running, on the GoLogin main page to the right of the profile name.

Can I use the 911 S5 proxy with GoLogin?

Yes, you can.

Can virtual machines be used to launch GoLogin?

Oh sure. Just check the system requirements before purchasing a virtual machine.

What is the difference between a team member and a sub-account?

Basically, they differ in their functionality. A sub-account cannot create browser profiles, but it can work with shared profiles. While working with team members You can give them permission to perform certain tasks – launch, create or edit profiles.

Can I use VPN or proxy with GoLogin?

Oh sure. But only OpenVPN is available to you, and if you use this, you will not be able to work with several profiles at the same time.

Can I change the start page?

This can be done on request, but we do not recommend doing this. Since our start page shows how sites see you.

Will my fingerprints be saved if I open my browser profile on another device?

No, if you open a browser profile from another device with different parameters, the site will see the difference. This can be avoided by launching GoLogin from virtual assistants or the same computers.

In one of the previous video, we explained how to give access to your GoLogin account. But sometimes in teamwork you need to give access only to one profile or to one action.

GoLogin allows you to share your browser profiles with other team members, clients or assistance. When you share a browser profile, other users will be able to access the browser profiles with the same settings such as cookies, tabs, proxy and other.

In this video we’ll show you how you can do it. Try this and other features of GoLogin in 7-day trial period right now!

An excellent tool deserves excellent service – Smartproxy is a trusted proxy provider and doesn’t play around. It offers a top tier proxy network with the fastest setup available. Chat with the support crew whether it’s 2AM or 2PM, scrape websites, and cop limited edition sneakers with ease. The plans are affordable, the dashboard is intuitive, and the service is open to anyone from an entrepreneur to a booming business. What’s not to love?

Here’s a quick guide to help you set up the proxies with GoLogin and get the ball rolling:

Here’s a quick guide to help you set up the proxies with GoLogin and get the ball rolling:

1. Log to the GoLogin website and click “Create Your First Profile”:

2. Choose a name for your profile in the next window. Select “HTTP Proxy” as “Connection Type” in the proxy section. For “Proxy Host and Port” we’ve written and 7000, but you can choose them accordingly to what country and session type you wish to use. You can check this out here:

Enter the username and password of your “Proxy User” in the “Login” and “Password” fields. You can manage your “Proxy Users” here: Finally, click on “Create Profile

3. We select to run everything in the browser and select “Run” for testing purposes here, but you can also go with the “Download” option:

4. You can start using Smartproxy with GoLogin as soon as it’s done syncing and you see “running”:

It’s that simple. Now go on – adventures await!

The main task of working with accounts in a team is sharing without the risk of blocking. This access will be required regularly, which means re-verification is undesirable.

Websites can track your time zone using various methods. First, by running your IP address through the Ip2Geo database. Secondly, websites can use the Javascript function, which reads the time zone through the browser API from the regional settings of your operating system.

Then the sites check whether the results of the two mentioned checks match. If this does not happen, it is likely that you are using a proxy server located in a different time zone than your computer.

Therefore, for your privacy, it is necessary that the system time zone matches the location of the proxy. In GoLogin, you can do this with your browser profile settings automatically or manually. How can you do this? In this video we’ll show you. Try this and other features of GoLogin in 7-day trial period right now!

In the previous video, we showed how to use the 911 S5 Proxy in GoLogin. But you can use several proxies of this provider. And for each profile, you can assign a separate proxy!

This can be useful for SMM managers who use different proxies for different profiles. It also saves you time. You do not have to switch 911 S5 proxies when switching to another profile

So, how to use different 911 S5 proxies in each profile? In this video we’ll show how you can do it in our service. Try this and other features of GoLogin in 7-day trial period right now!

At the end of each video, I suggest you test the features of GoLogin and many viewers agree. But what if you liked our service? You need to choose a plan that is suitable for your tasks. You will also need to enter your card details.

In this video we’ll show you how you can do it and tell about GoLogin plans. Try it right now!

Hi, I’m Artem from GoLogin and this is our first email for you! We are glad that you are using our service and in gratitude we will send useful materials and pleasant bonuses.

First of all, we want to announce a new feature – Tor Network Integration! Tor Network is an anonymity tool for anonymous browsing and fighting censorship on the Internet. You can use Tor Proxy in GoLogin, using all the features of this network, for example, surf the darknet via *.onion links.

In this video, you can see how to use Tor Proxy in GoLogin:

In one of the previous videos, we talked about WebRTC and how you can manage it in GoLogin. Our service has one more additional setting, which allows you to mask your media devices. Why do you need to do this?

Because sites track the Media Device IDs. These are unique identifiers of a media device installed or plugged in to your system. Examples for Media Devices are audio (connected microphones or connected speakers) and video devices (webcam).

In this video we’ll show how you can mask media devices in our service. Try this and other features of GoLogin in 7-day trial period right now!

Companies that track user activity on the Internet need reliable identification of each person without his knowledge. Fingerprinting through a browser fits perfectly. No one will notice if the web page asks to draw a graphic fragment through the canvas or generates a sound signal of zero volume, measuring the response parameters.

The last method is called AudioContext fingerprint. When entering a website, the system analyzes the audio subsystem of our browser. This applies both to working from our personal computer and using virtual machines. Our task is to bypass the imprint of audio, to be precise, then try to change it.

In this video we’ll show how you can mask your AudioContext fingerprint in GoLogin. Try this and other features of GoLogin in 7-day trial period right now!

Network identity is the totality of your accounts on social networks, computers, IP, phones and others. Some people need several Internet identities. These are marketers, journalists, recruiters, business owners, sellers and developers. Internet identity is your digital fingerprint. We leave it everywhere. But how is it recognized and how you can mask it? Read this article!

In order to create a new Internet identity in GoLogin you need to create a profile. After creating a profile, you need to configure it. Here you can select IP, browser, operating system, platform, geolocation and 15 more parameters.

In usual browsers, there is the possibility of multi-accounting, but it is implemented quite inconveniently. Also, you cannot attach proxies to each profile. There can be only one proxy at all. Therefore, you cannot hide the real IP address. GoLogin solves this problem.

For comfortable use of the program, you will need to save your session in the browser. A browser session is a set of your tabs, your authorization on sites that must be saved if you do not want to open everything again.

How can you use this? Imagine that you are a SMM manager and usually work at home on your PC. You use many accounts on social networks. Suddenly, you needed to leave for a meeting. You took a laptop with you, but your session is already closed on your home PC. This means that you cannot open it from a laptop. If you use GoLogin, then you still have the opportunity. After all, your entire session has been saved and is in the cloud. Therefore, after the meeting, you easily open your laptop and finish the job. All accounts, logins and sessions are always with you!

To set up your profile you need to determine the required level of anonymity. It depends on what parameters you will hide from sites. Firstly, you need to hide your IP. Proxies will help you with this. However, sites can still recognize your Internet identity.

Next you can choose a browser. This is a very important parameter. For example, if you access sites through the Tor browser, they often give you captcha to check that you are a human. The fact is that this browser is often used to work with bots and sites relate to it with less confidence.

You can also set the screen resolution, your location and time zone. Do not forget about customizing fonts, payment methods and extensions.

If you do not use GoLogin alone, then you will like the proxy tunneling feature. This feature allows IPs that are not in the allowed list to connect to your proxy. This can be used by your assistants or even you if you need access from another computer. However, the speed of your connection may decrease, do not forget about it.

After creating a profile, you can launch the Orbit browser. After launch, you will see information about your Internet identity that sites will see. If everything is as you configured, feel free to visit the sites! article.newInternet.text10-1 article.newInternet.text10-2

You can close the browser by clicking on the red ‘Stop’ button. Thanks to this, you save your session. And as you remember, later, you can open the same session with the same tabs.

You can attach different accounts on social networks to one Internet identity. For example, you are the same SMM manager from the story above. You must promote the customer’s account on several social networks. Let’s call the customer’s company GoBest. To manage all the GoBest accounts, you just need to purchase a cheap proxy and log in to the customer’s accounts. Opening the GoBest profile every day you will see a saved session with all social networks. Work is much easier with GoLogin, try the free 7-day trial period right now!

Browser cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer while the user is browsing. One of the main function of them is user authentication.

By using cookie import feature in GoLogin you can import it from your regular browser into Orbita. In this video we’ll show you how you can do it.

Try this and other features of GoLogin in 7-day trial period right now!

One of the most striking indicators that show your identity to sites are installed plugins. You use them to improve your browser. Since they are developed by third parties, plugins are executed in another process of your computer. Therefore, they can receive and transmit information about your fonts, about your equipment, your real IP and MAC-address. And these are just some of the parameters that plugins can transmit.

Also a combination of plugins helps keep track of you. The list of plugins allows you to significantly narrow down the segment to which the user belongs. Especially with other tracked parameters.

In the GoLogin ‘Plugins’ tab, you can select two options: Enable potentially vulnerable plugins and Enable Flash plugin. By default, these features are disabled. We do not recommend including them. But if you decide to do this, then you are ready for an increased risk of being tracked.

Especially dangerous is the Flash plugin. This is the first plugin that has been tracked to identify users. He is also one of the most popular. We can change the data that Flash shows sites, but it is quite difficult to do and in fact is not necessary. Just turn it off.

Plugins are not browser add-ons. A browser add-on is an extension that you can download in the Chrome official store. They are executed in the browser process.

GoLogin has built-in functions that we don’t mention anywhere. But often they perform a very important task. One of these features is our connection check. This technology checks and shows the characteristics of your connection. When starting any profile, our antidetect browser will open the start page, which contains all the information about your connection. Why do you need to check this?

Firstly, you can check if the correct IP is assigned to you. Some proxies are more expensive than others and scammers can give you cheap proxies for a great price. In order not to become a victim of fraud, you should check your connection. GoLogin will help you with this.

The same applies to the provider. For example, some mobile Internet providers have more trust than others. Thanks to our start page, you can see the provider of your IP.

You can check the correspondence of your time zone and the location of your IP. Why is it important? The fact is that your IP is tied to a specific location. If your time zone is very different from the location of the IP, then sites consider this suspicious. Agree, it sounds logical? Many do not check these parameters and their accounts are blocked.

Also, using our start page, you can check the version of your browser recognized by sites, your hashes WebGL, Canvas, Audio, Fonts and Client Rects. Also a very important indicator of your personality is whether Javascript, Flash, ActiveX, Java and Cookies are included in the browser. Thanks to this data, you will check your connection settings before using browser antidetect. It remains only to try. try the free 7-day trial period right now!

Run multiple accounts without bans and blocks

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