Multilogin Chrome Browser Alternative: Review In 2024

Today, as part of our series of comparisons, we will look at a popular contender in the marketing browser niche: Multilogin.

Multilogin has a good reputation simply because it works and it’s been around for a while. It is also notorious for its high prices and different support for different size clients.

The tool has recently been through radical changes with the recent Multilogin X update, so it’s worth a deep dive review. Is it worth the money to invest for 2024? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Multilogin, count the costs and features, and compare it all to GoLogin.

TLDR: skip to the end for a quick table with all the main points of comparison.


Disclaimer: This is a biased review, but we tried our best to stay objective and keep to facts. We encourage you to always test the tools for your use case and make calculations to know if this tool is worth investing.

Two Cents Before We Start

In this review we will try to show why Multilogin cannot be considered “best in class” or “industry leader” simply because it’s the oldest one. It’s a strong claim, but it has a strong ground: you can’t beat facts and numbers.

It’s that case when an old dog can’t learn new tricks. Read on to know why we think that way.

Website & First Impressions

On its main page, Multilogin is called an antidetect browser for web scraping and multi account management. Later it explains basic benefits of this technology in a few charts.

These phrases might not say a lot to a new user. From our experience, most of the new users have no idea how this software is supposed to work.


Since not long ago Multilogin X has started to offer a free testing plan called Basic, which is limited to three profiles. We will use this option for our comparison, just like any new user would. Let’s register an account!


Registering is no more complicated than with most other browsers, but there is a nuance. With the release of Multilogin X, it is no longer a desktop browser app. From now, new users will login Multilogin only via their web app on the website. To launch the web app, you will need a desktop agent Multilogin download.

This raises doubts if the web app is fully functional at this point. The old Multilogin 6 app can be still found far down on the website, but we are not sure if it will be supported long.

The web app move certainly has its pros and cons: we will touch on these later. For current desktop users and people who are used to browsers just being apps, a radical transition like this might be painful.

A desktop agent still needs to be downloaded. That means you still use your desktop resource for virtual browser profiles, only now controlling it through a web interface.

Verdict: A web app is a great idea (in theory), but Multilogin X web interface is just a control panel for a desktop agent.

First Launch & Comfort Of Use

Here’s where we start to prove our claim Multilogin simply can’t be called best in class anymore. The web app looks like good old Multilogin, only without the left side panel. Like many Multilogin alternatives, it has a clean and minimalist interface, but the cost of that is cut functionality.

Multilogin feels outdated and lacks things that should be present as basic trim level in 2024. Here are a few examples of that.

The process of profile creation and launching is straightforward enough (with a few exceptions).

There are no tooltips or tutorial steps for new users. However, Multilogin is intuitive and clear enough. It’s not overloaded with stuff like some contenders, and there is not a lot to switch when beginning work.

To import proxy, you need to manually paste and check the proxy credentials for every single profile. That’s about ten clicks each, which is a terrible routine even with 5 profiles. There is also no proxy column in the main profile tab, and you can’t switch it on. You might even want to google Multilogin proxy management solution to speed this process up.

In 2024 this is totally unacceptable for paid software: importing, switching or even keeping track of proxies is difficult here. Almost every Multilogin alternative has already made proxy work better for the end user.

During first session, the app downloaded the Mimic 119 web browser core to the computer. The web app is just a control panel for desktop agent, not a separate identity. Obviously the team has some plans for the web app/Multilogin – but we don’t know what they are yet.
multilogin browser
There’s not a lot to switch: only critical Multilogin fingerprint settings can be adjusted. Most are set to “Real” mode by default. More advanced settings like custom screen resolution, RAM, CPU and others can’t be adjusted.

The main profile table screen looks clean at first, but when you look at it, it’s terribly limited. Profile table cannot be customized: by default you can’t see your proxy, put a tag on or see when you last checked with the account.

There is a small side settings bar, which seemed obsolete to us – nothing useful can be done from there.

multilogin x

Launching The Profiles

Profiles in web Multilogin app launch with regular speed, but stop a bit slower than usual. We experienced an endless sync error during stop: multiple browser profiles could not sync until table refresh. It seems like a minor interface issue, as the profiles restarted correctly.

In the new Multilogin free Basic plan we have not found the cookie import. We requested customer support, and received this answer:


This needs no further comments. A tool of this price range is supposed to have top level functionality. Cookie management is absolutely critical when working with multiple accounts for business. It simply should not be done through a third party, non Multilogin extension.

Verdict: Multilogin’s revolutionary app has a very outdated functionality. It’s not what you expect from a high-priced business tool.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!

Mobile Apps, Fingerprints & Remote Work

Unlike GoLogin, Multilogin does not offer mobile apps for remote work. In 2024, many browsers already offer mobile apps. Compared to Chrome Multilogin’s limited web app, GoLogin has a web version that can be used from literally any device, not only your laptop.

Multilogin does not offer mobile fingerprints as well. This might be critical if you work with TikTok, Instagram or any other mobile-oriented platform.

Verdict: Multilogin X offers no support for mobile devices.

Users often confirm Multilogin’s good quality, but some of the fresh reviews seem identical.

Apps like Multilogin are used a whole lot by people who travel. Working remote, especially with a team of virtual assistants, requires the tool to have a good set of specific features.

Multilogin is known to have good team options for VAs, these are workspaces with custom permissions. However, teamwork gets very expensive here – even for a small team. We’ll check into every pricing plan in the end.

Verdict: Multilogin X offers good, but expensive team options + little remote work comfort with no mobile apps.

Support and updates

At this moment Multilogin status is in the middle of major transfer to web app interface. You can still download Multilogin legacy desktop version far down on the website, but seems like the downloadable app will be discontinued soon.

Multilogin’s Telegram chat has been swell with web app discussions lately. Our two cents opinion: a web app is a great thing to make, but old loyal users might be as important.

To us, such a transition is a very controversial move. Many old users will have to re-evaluate and learn how to use Multilogin the new way.

Still, Multilogin is known for good update frequency and high quality support. The browser cores auto-update to the newest ones, but there’s no choice among previous ones. That means there’s no multiple core function for more advanced users.

Creating a profile, you can only choose between Mimic (Multilogin Chrome) and Stealthfox (Firefox). No browser core versions or mobile OS options available.

Tech support was quick enough to respond to our questions via e-mail. We didn’t meet any technical problems during our test (except endless sync), so we can’t say how quickly actual problems are solved.

Verdict on support: Multilogin X offers good client support.
Verdict on updates: Multilogin X provides fast updates, but it won’t fit for more technically advanced users.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!

Fingerprinting And Checkers

As part of our review, several Multilogin profiles passed the Pixelscan, but failed the Iphey fingerprint checkers. We used only default profile settings on a Mac M2.

It needs to be said that incognito Multilogin’s browser fingerprinting work has a great reputation online. But, as we mentioned before, passing checkers alone is not enough to lead the industry in 2024. At GoLogin, we believe a tool that’s “best in class” should provide true next level features that nobody else offers.

We were not able to pass the Hardware point on, both with cloud and local Multilogin profiles.
Multilogin successfully passed the fingerprint check on Pixelscan, but detected our test proxies IP address: this is a not-so-critical nuance.

Multilogin login is known to work comparably well for most major social platforms. We can’t physically prove that, as it would require a long term test. Still, even if that is completely true – in 2024 there are alternatives who are already far ahead for less money.

Verdict: Multilogin provides good enough fingerprints. Although it failed one of our tests, it has a good reputation on fingerprint work.

Let’s have a look at GoLogin and see if it really offers more for less money.


Looking at GoLogin, we will try to look at real facts and features, and compare these to what Multilogin X offers today. At the end we’ll take a look at prices and rates.

GoLogin will suit well for personal anonymity, small business and corporate agency teams of any size. It works well for both office and remote work, can be used as a desktop, web or mobile app. GoLogin offers modern and advanced features without the extreme overprice of Multilogin.

GoLogin’s main screen, set up for multiple social media accounts. The profile table is fully customizable.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!

Features And Comfort Of Use

At first look, both Multilogin and GoLogin have a simple and clean interface that is user friendly. GoLogin has tooltip guides for new users during first session.

However, GoLogin is also far superior technically. Unlike Multilogin X, GoLogin has:

  1. A full-featured 7-day trial + forever-free plan
  2. Proxy manager
  3. Cookie manager
  4. Android mobile app for remote work
  5. Web app for remote work from any device (with profiles launching in a cloud)
  6. Customizable Profile table
  7. 50+ advanced fingerprint settings for professional use
  8. Built-in free proxies in the browser
  9. Two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra account safety
  10. Ability to choose browser core version for each profile

Here’s how GoLogin stays simple and clean, yet more functional. You can simply customize your Profile table. It’s that easy. Choose what you need to see (e.g. only proxy and last launch date) – and skip everything else. Simple and productive.

Thanks to this simple feature GoLogin is often used as an SMM control panel for marketing agencies. If you run 20+ social or marketplace accounts, having a clear overview of your online activities is crucial.

Verdict: GoLogin offers way more features for far less money. It looks simple, but at the same time it’s highly effective.


GoLogin allows to share work with partners, giving custom roles and access rights for each teammate via Workspaces. Just like Multilogin, but without the overprice. One user can take part in multiple Workspaces to quickly interact with several teams from one account.

Profiles can be divided into folders and assigned to separate virtual assistants. With GoLogin, your managers will never have to see or enter passwords again, which is a more professional way to share work. GoLogin offers more team seats and less limitations on teamwork plans for less money.

Verdict: Gologin and Multilogin X both have good team features, but they are way cheaper in GoLogin.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!

Mobile App, Web Version & Remote Work

GoLogin has a web version, which can be accessed from literally any device. It does not need your laptop to work. You can even launch and edit profiles without a computer: they will work on a safe cloud server.

GoLogin is also available as an Android app. Both the web and mobile app prove to be extremely comfortable if you travel or drive around meetings a lot.

For comparison, Multilogin X can be only used for Mac and Windows. The old Multilogin app was also available for Linux.

GoLogin’s web app. It’s identical to the desktop app, requires no downloads and can be used from any device with internet access. It fits well for slower or older devices like tablets.

Support quality

The support team quickly responds to all user requests and tries to help in any situation 24/7. GoLogin managers hold user interview campaigns to collect customer feedback and suggestions, making browser updates as relevant as possible.

In their feedback GoLogin users ofter say their problems were solved by chatting with the customer service team or through browser updates.

Fingerprinting And Updates

GoLogin successfully passes and checkers.


All points green: this is what you should expect from anti detect browsers.

The GoLogin team updates the browser several times a month. Updates include everything needed to keep user data safe and take user needs into account. Updates are automatic: you just need to click “Update” and restart the browser.

Clients often praise GoLogin for the stable profile work in 24/7 mode without downtime. The uptime stability factor is often the reason why users move from alternatives to GoLogin.

Let’s move on to the final part of the comparison: plans and pricing.

Multilogin vs GoLogin – Pricing

Free Plans & Trial Periods

Multilogin X: a free Basic plan with 3 profiles. No Multilogin free trial period offered.
GoLogin: forever-free plan with 3 profiles + trial of paid features for 7 days.

Verdict: Even with lower prices, GoLogin is more transparent. It allows users to try out its full business potential for free.

Paid Plans: Personal Use

Let’s count the running costs, keeping in mind different scenarios and scales of work. To be more objective, we’ll consider a monthly payment option, but also mention annual discounts.

Multilogin X first paid plan (Solo, 100 profiles): €99 ($108) a month.
GoLogin first paid plan (Professional, 100 profiles): $49 a month.

Gologin is twice cheaper. It includes the API access, mass actions, profile sharing and many other features from the box.

A little thing that shows how outdated Multilogin is: proxy integration and checking is considered a top feature here.

Both Multilogin and GoLogin offer an annual payment discount. GoLogin offers a generous 50% annual discount compared to only 25% from Multilogin.

A year of Multilogin X first plan: €888 ($972)
A year of GoLogin first plan: $294.

Verdict: GoLogin comes 3,3 times cheaper with a way better set of features.

Team plans

Here’s where the difference gets even bigger.

We believe Multilogin X sets the sky-high prices deliberately to cut off smaller users and solo players. It’s also a part of Multilogin considering themselves a top brand, which simply can’t be true in 2024 market.

Multilogin X team plans (300 and 1,000 profiles): €199 ($218) and €399 ($437) a month.
GoLogin team plans (300 and 1,000 profiles): $99 and $199 a month.

Again, GoLogin ends up costing more than twice cheaper again, even without the annual discount.

In its pricing, Multilogin X positions very simple features as exclusive: proxy integration, profile sharing and Multilogin Selenium integration. These are very basic ones that by 2024 standards should not be mentioned as top.

GoLogin’s prices also include 10 and 20 team seats respectively, unlike the 3 and 7 partner seats in Multilogin X team plans.

We could not compare the Custom plans. Unlike GoLogin, Multilogin antidetect browser does not give a transparent pricing for bigger needs. Looking at its price range, we doubt running a larger team on Multilogin will make a good profit.

In the end, GoLogin offers more features for the fair price. Visit the Pricing pages yourself, test both browsers and make your own considerations.

Verdict: GoLogin offers a better set of features for far less money than Multilogin X.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!

Multilogin vs GoLogin: Summary

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Multilogin is 3x more expensive than GoLogin for no objective reason. Simply being the oldest one does not seem a valid point.

The sky-high prices obviously hint that Multilogin is pointed at pro marketers and big teams only. However, the big guys count their money just like everyone else. We believe the Multilogin pricing level is extreme with no ground, and we tried to show it in this review.

Still, we leave you to make your own decision. Here are some questions to help you choose the best browser for your situation:

  1. How many browser profiles do you need?
  2. Do you need to share profiles with remote partners?
  3. How much are you ready to pay for a business tool?
  4. Does the browser have a good reputation? What do communities and forums say about it?
  5. Can you test the browser for free? If yes, which one suits you best?

To summarize the comparison, we have rounded up some pros and cons. Compare the browsers and count the costs on your own to find the best one.

Comparison Criterium Multilogin X GoLogin
Free plan

Free trial period


Comfort of use


Country of origin



Updates frequency

Affordable paid plans

Mobile app

Profile cloud launch

Free in-app proxies

Support quality

Using Multilogin? Try GoLogin out for a free 7-day test period. Get some test accounts in, and count how many out of 10 survive. This is what most often reflects how expensive the browser comes for your work.

If you have more questions about if you can transfer your work to GoLogin, please contact our support and request a demo call.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!


Is Multilogin X the same thing with Multilogin Chrome extension?

No. Multilogin Chrome extension found in the Chrome Web Store is a separate product by a separate vendor. We do not know if Multilogin extension Chrome is in any way legit or safe to use. We encourage using only trusted tools and always checking with the community for tool reputation.

You might also find Multilogin extension Firefox, download Multilogin Chrome or even Multilogin VPN: we do not recommend using these ones as well. Keep to apps from official vendors.

Are there Multilogin cracked or Multilogin coupons for free use?

We do not encourage the use of cracked software. Even if you find what seems to be a Multilogin crack file, it is not safe to use. These often contain malware and collect your data, which might be dangerous. As of coupons or promo codes for Multilogin discount, you can meet some offers and deals in Multilogin review and blog articles in partner resources.

If you’re looking for the best free multilogin browser, consider using GoLogin on Forever-Free plan. It is by far the best Multilogin free alternative at the moment. It has way less limitations than Multilogin for Chrome.

Is there 7-day Multilogin trial period same as GoLogin?

No, but recently Multilogin company rolled out the Basic plan with 3 free profiles. The fully-featured 7-day trial is offered only by GoLogin, where you can create multiple browser profiles with no restrictions.

Is Multilogin automation better or worse than GoLogin automation?

It is not worse, but it’s way more expensive. GoLogin offers more API requests for the money, plus it integrates with its own GoLess Chrome extension. It has a big marketplace of automation scenarios, plus you can build your own scenarios with no code.

Can I use GoLogin and Multilogin for Facebook accounts?

Sure! As far as we know, both tools work OK for Facebook. Check with communities about nuances of Multilogin Facebook and Multilogin Facebook Ads work. From our work experiencem, both browsers are able to run hundreds of Facebook accounts, so it’s your choice which one is a better fit for you.

Download GoLogin for free and manage multiple accounts without bans!

Run multiple accounts without bans and blocks

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We’d love to hear questions, comments and suggestions from you. Contact us [email protected] or leave a comment above.

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